Utah Association of Community Services
The Utah Association of Community Services (UACS) consists of over 40 private provider agencies that serve over 5,000 people with developmental and other types of disabilities in over 400 different locations throughout Utah.
UACS members account for about 72% of the Division of Services for People with Disabilities’ annual budget for Community Supports Waiver services of just less than $200,000,000. Member agencies employ approximately 6,500 staff to assist individuals with disabilities living in their homes and communities by providing quality services including residential, day services and training, supported employment, family support, and respite care.
For information about UACS and benefits of membership, please contact UACS Executive Director, Nancy Strahan at nancy@uacs.org or 801-520-4695,
or complete the UACS Membership Form and mail it to UACS, P.O. Box 58857, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.

In 1971 the Utah Association of Rehabilitation Facilities was developed to assist rehab providers in organizing around the issues that faced community rehab organizations. In 1983 the Community Residential Providers Association was formed to assist primarily residential businesses in addressing their needs. In the late 1980s the two provider organizations came together and formed our current member organization, the Utah Association of Community Services.